Nephron: Kidney’s Filtration Unit – An In-Depth Spotlight on Kidney’s Filtration Units

Nephron: Kidney’s Filtration Unit
An In-Depth Spotlight on Kidney’s Filtration Units

This video shines a light on the nephrons, the kidneys’ microscopic yet vital filtration units responsible for purifying blood and producing urine.

Each kidney is packed with about 1 million nephrons that tirelessly work to sift out waste products and excess substances from our bloodstream, playing a critical role in maintaining the body’s chemical balance.

Positioned within two main regions of the kidney—the cortex (outer part) and the medulla (inner part)—nephrons begin the filtration process in the glomerulus located in the cortex. This segment is where blood is initially filtered through a network of capillaries, with the filtered fluid collected by Bowman’s capsule, marking the start of urine formation.

This video is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please always consult with a healthcare provider for medical guidance.